
Most everything in my life has changed since Esther was born just over 6 weeks ago. Among the changes are all the typical new mom things. For example, I haven’t slept more than 4 (possibly 4.5) hours straight in the last 6 weeks. I have done more laundry in the last month than I have done in the previous 6 combine. My body now makes milk to feed my child… The list goes on and on. Arguably the most surprising and random change is my relationship with poop. 

Like most adults without children, I didn’t talk about poop before having Esther. It never really crossed my mind. It was one of those things you just didn’t talk about. Since having Esther, all that has changed. Poop is now a common, and acceptable topic of conversation. We talk about when she last pooped, how much she pooped, what it looked like and what clothes or people it might have gotten on. Like this cute purple outfit (which I totally managed to save with some more laundry, YEA ME!)

2015-09-21 17.17.59

In the hospital, and baby classes before that, you learn to track your babies dirty diapers. They tell you that it is a rather reliable way to know if baby is getting enough food, and progressing like she should. You are told what to watch for and become irrationally excited about each dirty mile stone. Thus begins your new relationship with poop.

Though it still seems a little strange to me, and I still think poop is gross and smelly, it dose have one benefit…

It brings super cute faces like these.

2015-09-23 10.33.43 2015-09-23 10.33.40

I call it her “I just pooped all over my clothes mommy!” face. It almost makes cleaning up the poop worth it. Almost.


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