Green Thumb



When we moved into our house in Illinois, this is what the “front” of our house looked like. After making it through the first year, Jon and I started to think about what we might want to updated in the yard outside. I came up with a crazy idea and enlisted Jon to help me. I decided that we should totally redo the area around the porch and put in planter boxes. The weekend before Mother’s day our creation started to come to life.  Continue reading “Green Thumb”

Green Thumb

Planting 102


It’s that time of year again! (I guess was that time of year would be more accurate) Planting season round 2.

Heading into this years planting season I was a little nervous. Having made it through last years planting I knew Jon was going to be working come long hours. I wasn’t sure Esther and I could make it that long with out some Daddy help. Thankfully, this story has a happy ending. Esther and I did figure out how to make it through with less Daddy time. It took a little practice but we got the hang of it.  Continue reading “Planting 102”

Planting 102

Daddy’s Are The Best

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One of my favorite picture of me as a baby, is of me and my dad. It is the classic baby and Daddy sleeping together picture. In the picture my Dad looks like he is 12, and still has dirty blonde hair. I am asleep on his chest while he is napping on the couch. Something about the picture always made me feel special and loved. It was the beginning of a wonderful father daughter relationship.  Continue reading “Daddy’s Are The Best”

Daddy’s Are The Best

Learning to Use a Spoon

Since becoming a parent, I have been continually surprised and impressed watching Esther learn. Something she catches onto almost immediately, like drinking from a bottle. Others she is still working on, like sitting up and using her hands. It is an amazing process to watch her develop and understand more each day. Among these wonderful things is learning to use a spoon.



Continue reading “Learning to Use a Spoon”

Learning to Use a Spoon

A Very Cottle/Mecham/Burnside/Bingham/Cox Christmas

I love my family more than words can express. Moving cross country away from them is the hardest thing I have ever done. Needless to say I was crazy excited to go visit them for Christmas. With two big families to see, we planned to visit for just under three weeks. During that time, we managed to see everyone we possibly could, and do everything we possibly could.

Instead of giving you a detailed description of everything little thing we did, I have decided to give you a picture tour of some highlights. (That I managed to capture in my phone.) I hope you enjoy! Continue reading “A Very Cottle/Mecham/Burnside/Bingham/Cox Christmas”

A Very Cottle/Mecham/Burnside/Bingham/Cox Christmas

Oh Christmas Tree

I love Christmas. I love the lights, I love the cookies, I love the presents, I love wrapping presents, I love the decorations, I love our family traditions,  I love that we talk about the Savior of the world Jesus Christ, I love it all. Being in Illinois this Christmas season I wasn’t quite sure that to expect. Would I love Christmas just as much here? The answer is yes.

We got to start celebrating this season right after Thanksgiving ended. The Bingham clan gathered together to go cut down our Christmas trees. I was just as excited as the little’s. I had never cut down my tree before. My mom always had amazing trees, sometimes they were even real trees, but never one we cut down ourselves.

IMG_2001 Continue reading “Oh Christmas Tree”

Oh Christmas Tree