One Month


We have officially made it through one month with our little bundle of joy. It’s hard to believe that we have had her that long. She fits so perfectly in our family, it’s like she has been her all along. It’s hard to describe the feeling of belonging that she brings. To say that I love her just doesn’t seem to cover it. She is mine, and I am her’s. I can’t help but think that she was always meant to be mine. 

It is safe to say that Esther is one very loved little person. She has her entire extended family wrapped around her super cute little fingers.


Grandma was beside herself with excitement and love for her. She even made cookies with her… sort of.

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Grandpa and Aunt Erin were almost as cute as Grandma. We might have spent a large amount of time just looking at her. I have never seen a group of adults more entertained than sitting watching Esther wiggle.

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The Bingham’s were also super excited to meet her. Esther was a champ on her blessing day, and let everyone have a turn holding her.

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Jon gave her a beautiful blessing. I was very proud of him. She wore the blessing dress my Grandma Burnside and my mom made. It is also the dress that both Erin and I were blessed in. The beautiful blanket you see was started by Julie’s mom, Jon’s Grandma Cox, and finished by her for Esther’s blessing day. I love that we were able to have so much history and family involved in her blessing.

Just incase you missed it, I think my daughter is adorable. Totally the cutest baby ever. If you don’t believe me, please enjoy the next few pictures as proof.




See… Cutest baby ever.

I am excited to watch her grow and develop. I can’t wait to see what her little personality turns into. I can already see traits of both Jon and I in her. Personally I think that she is going to be both very sweet and mischievous. Let the adventures begin.

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One Month

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