Ready and Waiting


After nine months of waiting, planing, moving, home improving, and anticipating we are officially as ready as we are going to be. To celebrate I have created this lovely post of everything I haven’t shared yet. Enjoy.

The Dresser

A few months back, Julie gave me an old dresser that she no longer needed or had room for. It had some water damage, but lots of unique character. I decided that my best bet would be to paint the dresser instead of stripping and staining it.

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Here is the dresser before I got my hands on it.

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Here is the dresser after I painted it (left), and the finished product with the dark wax on it (right.)

Wall Art

One of the few things I knew I wanted to have in the room was her name. What I couldn’t decide was the way I wanted it look. I finally settled on this crazy idea. The end result is pretty cool. However, it might be the slowest process I have ever committed to. I have been working on it for almost a month and a half and have only finished the E, S, J, & O of her name. Only 4 more letters to go for the full Esther Jo.


First, I drew the letters by hand on trace paper and placed it on the canvas. Next, I wound the cord into place, secured it and removed the trace paper.

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The final very slow step is to “sew” the cord into place with the super cute cord I found. The end result is rather awesome.

My other wall art project was to create some custom sayings/art to go on the big empty wall. I had three 16 X 20 canvas hanging around and decided to use those. I picked some of my favorite sayings that seemed to go well with a nursery and sketched out a plan.

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After I had my small scale plan, I moved to making them full size.

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Next, I added some texture to the canvases with some glue. I also tested out the final colors I wanted to use.


Then I set to working painting. Here is a quick look at my set up. Thankfully, I have a super adjustable easel so I could work from a chair. My pregnant feet require a sitting position most of the time these days.


Here is the final set all ready to go on the wall.

The New Crib

Jon and I found just the crib we were looking for. Magically, it even matched the wood work in the room.


Jon was the muscle for this particular project.

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I was the brains. I’m getting pretty good at instruction reading. See how the base boards and the crib match?

Moving In

It is surprising how many things one little person seems to need. I thought I was going to max out the space allowed in the closet and dresser. Thankfully, I didn’t even come close to using all the space we have. Our new closet is going to last us a good long while.

Here is some of the cuteness to be found in the closet.

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It’s safe to say that she is going to be one well dress and accessorized baby. Grandma is going to be so proud.

The Finished Room

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All that’s left now is waiting for her to come (and finishing the Esther Jo sign…)

Ready and Waiting

4 thoughts on “Ready and Waiting

  1. Karissa says:

    Oh my goodness!! It’s adorable!!!! Your wall art and letters are to die for! I’m getting so excited to see pictures of little Esther and to meet her when you come to town. Most days I am positive I don’t need another baby right now… Except when you post things like this, then I think for a second that I might need another one right this very second.


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